Are you looking for a good list of resources for camping supplies that can be used as essential prepper gear in case of an emergency or disaster situation? The following list is a great start on finding that gear which will make you more secure should such a scenario occur in your area,

Camping Supplies
Listly by Maggie Powell
Planning a family Camping Trip? Do you have everything?

by MaggiePowell When packing up for a camping trip, it's best to follow a camping checklist. This way you know you will have all of the right camping supplies and camping gear along. When my family goes camping, it's my job to make sure that all of the camping supplies and camping gear are packed into the car.

Baking at a Campsite- This is the most obvious use for a portable camping oven... biscuits, muffins, cornbread and cookies. It's easy to prepare mixes to take along so you can have fresh baked goods in the wild.

Give me a roll of Duct tape, and I will repair the world! Seriously, Duct tape is the sticky stuff that holds life together. whether it's tear on a backpack, a ripped seam on a sleeping bag, a poster for a bake sale that needs hanging, or (and this wa...

The more I learn about this simple but powerful little solar light, the more excited I am about it too. This fantastic little solar lamp is part of a global movement to light up dark corners of the world. One small lamp lights a room for hours.

by MaggiePowell Cooking over a camp fire is much easier if you have a grill over your campfire. These portable grills are a great addition to your camping checklist. When it's time to cook over a campfire, I prefer to use my own portable camping grill.

Toasting Marshmallows over an open fire is practically a childhood requirement, and it's definitely a must-make dessert for any camping trip. Think about it Sticky Sugar, Food on a Stick AND you get to play with FIRE! But... alas...