Category: Herbal Medicine Cabinet

Rosemary- Your Herbal Medicine Cabinet


Here in California, Rosemary grows like a weed. You find in edging gardens or filling in spaces in public plantings. But, it is much more than an evergreen shrub that smells nice. Rosemary is a woody and fragrant herb useful for cooking and medicine. It’s straightforward and easy to grow, and looks nice most of the …

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Natural Remedies for Chapped Lips


Since I spend so much time outside in all weather, I am always fighting chapped lips. While it’s not a life threatening issue, chapped lips are irritating, and can be painful. Luckily they can be treated, and even prevented with natural remedies for chapped lips. First of all… stop licking! Licking your lips is the …

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Basil in your Herbal Medicine Cabinet

Basil is another great herb to have in your cabinet Basil is a must for every kitchen and medicinal garden. This annual is easy to grow in the garden, or in containers. This leafy herb is bright green and looks and wonderful as it smells. Basil does grow some pretty little flowers, go ahead and pinch those …

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Herbal Medicine Cabinet- Chamomile

Chamomile- I love having Chamomile in my garden. This pretty sweet plant from the Daisy family, is covered with little white flowers all summer long. German Chamomile is an annual that forms a 3 foot bushy sort of plant, while Roman Chamomile is a perennial that grows low to the ground. My preference is for the German Chamomile …

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