Category: Prepper Tips

Don’t Just Prep During Emergency Preparedness Month

winter storm

It’s the last day of Emergency Preparedness Month… but don’t start thinking that you are DONE! This is a good time to make sure you have your house in order, and are set for Winter. Some Things You Can Do…. Change out the Water in your Water Storage Containers Check the seals on your jars …

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How Connected Are You?


I’m embarrassed to admit just how much time I spend online. Of course, it is my “real job” as a writer to be online…. but still…. I worry about time spent sitting on my butt and poking away at a keyboard. Then there are the kids…. according to recent studies, kids spend on average of …

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Natural Remedies for Chapped Lips


Since I spend so much time outside in all weather, I am always fighting chapped lips. While it’s not a life threatening issue, chapped lips are irritating, and can be painful. Luckily they can be treated, and even prevented with natural remedies for chapped lips. First of all… stop licking! Licking your lips is the …

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Start A Fire With Corks!

wine cork

Love this simple fire starting trick! Save the corks from any bottle of wine that you have finished enjoying. Make sure they are REAL CORKS (not the synthetic ones, or the screw tops… the ones made from actual cork). Save the corks in a jar filled with rubbing alcohol. Keep the lid on tight. (Don’t …

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Using a Whetstone -A Knife is Only as Good as its Edge


“Always take care of your tools” was a mantra that my father drummed into me from early on. Keep them clean, put them away after using them, treat them well, and they will work for you. Dad would set aside time every week to maintain his tools. On Saturday mornings he would pull out the …

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How To Build A Survival Cache

Editor’s note: Survival caches are the ultimate back-up plan. If you are going for your survival cache, that means Plan A and Plan B went awry. In this case, you may be left with no other option but to survive with only the contents in your cache. You must plan out those contents accordingly. Given the …

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