Wonder Junior Deluxe Hand Grain / Flour Mill by Wondermill
Stocking a pantry with grains is an important part of creating an emergency stockpile and for becoming more self-sufficient. But, how do you convert the grains like Oats, Millet and Rice into flour? Flour is an essential ingredient in many of our foods. We use it for baking breads and sweets, thickening soups, or as a coating for fried foods. In order to do this, we need a grain mill.
Many grain mills these days are electric. Well… if the power goes out, so does your ability to mill your grain. The hand operated Wonder Junior Deluxe Grain/Flour Mill by Wondermill is the best I’ve found for the money.
The sturdy metal body of the mill is actually thicker and stronger than other food mills. It weighs in at 10 pounds, heavy, but not outrageous. The uni-body means that there are no little plastic bits that fall or break off. Just clamp the Wondermill Junior’s extra strong nylon covered clamp to the edge of a table or counter, and turn the handle. The octagon shaped hopper holds about a quart of grain, and in 2-3 minutes, you can crank out a cup of flour. And it’s so simple to use, you can even get the kids involved.
What makes the Hand Grain/Flour Mill so impressive is that it comes with two heads for grinding. The stone is perfect creating for powder fine flours from Oats, Rice and Wheat. It takes just a few seconds to attach the burr head that will make short work of nuts, coffee, herbs and other oily seeds.
Use the Wonder Junior Hand Grain Mill to grind-
–Grains – Oats, wheat, millet, rice and more
-Nuts- peanuts, almonds, walnuts and more (you can use it to make nut butters)
–Beans– Soybeans, peas, beans and more
-Herbs- fresh and dried
This little dynamo will last for a lifetime of grinding. The special flour guide will keep the flour from flowing out all over the table. An included brush makes the Mill easy to clean. If you are handy, there are videos on you tube to show how you can rig the Wondermill Jr. to work on electricity!
If you store grains, you need a way to grind them down to flour. The Wondermill Jr. Hand Grain/Flour Mill gives you the best option for your money. Why pay more for something that doesn’t work better? And why on earth would you buy a cheaper mill that falls apart? Get the Wondermill Jr. with its lifetime warranty, and give you more options in your pantry.
Wonder Junior Deluxe Hand Grain / Flour Mill by Wondermill
Grain Mill Review